Visualizing commuting patterns –
A network of everyday German connectivity
Client: Zeit Online
Year: 2016
01. The project
For Zeit Online, one of the largest German online media outlets, I conceptualized, designed and co-implemented a set of interactive visualizations that show more than 40,000 commuting patterns between German counties. This first-time approach at visualizing all commuting patterns in Germany was based on open data from Germany’s labour office.
02. The objective:
The goal was to create an appealing storytelling piece that not only conveys the magnitude of daily commuting volumes in Germany, but which also aesthetically abstracts from the daily routine of commuting and supports self-identification of the phenomenon by the reader by making individual flows visible. The story received over 75,000 hits within the first two days.
01. Ruhr area
02. Munich region
03. Berlin region
04. Rhein-Main area